Sometimes I think I will run out of things to dislike about Moncton. But no. It hasn't been difficult to to find examples. So, let's get started! OK. First of all, you must know, I grew up here after the age of 9 (against my will). I have to tell you, living on an Indian Reserve in Tssawassen BC, in a mangled school bus with the side blown out and an attached hippie shack suckling it's side, was waaaay better than growing up in New Brunswick's ass. Yes, there were the obvious pitfalls in the deep woods of Alberty County: hunters, tar paper shacks, drunks, ATV's, bear traps, lack of teeth, non-running cars, people who said (and say) "that was soooome good" and things adverse to a better life like plumbing and basic food groups, but for me, the thing that made me ill was the music. It was the 80's afterall, and when you combine growing up in Albert County with 80's music, well it almost makes you hurl. The thing is, it is now 2012, and IT IS THE SAME! The music stations play the same music I listened to in high school, it is played it in the bars, clubs and pubs, and if you go on a date with some local boy, chances are you will have to listen to it while you eat your seafood platter from Sassy's. If you want variation, well, there is country ... and French country (or rather Acadian country ... oops. Sorry). When I drove around with Frenchie II, there were times when we had a break in the 80's music (the bad stuff) and listened to some Acadian Fiddles. Oh, how I love Acadian Fiddling!
Saint Antoine Fiddle Jam, June 6, 2011
Oh be nice! It wasn't that bad & you survived it ok.